Fantasic weekend

Fantasic weekend
2015-09-08 Philippa Davin
pottery art, ceramic art, ceramic sculpture, ceramic sculptures, horse pottery, horse sculpture, horse sculptures, horse art, equestrian art, Equestrian, equestrian photography, equestrian photography bw, equestrian photography black & white, black & white photography, photography art, equestrian photography art, horse photography, horse, häst foto, Philippa Davin photography, Philippa Davin photo, Philippa Davin foto, equestrian inspiration, equestrian inspiration bw, polo, polo photography, polo art, polo photography art, polo pony, mallet photography, mallet photo, polo photo, polo photo inspiration, polo bw photo, polo photography bw, polo foto, palm beach polo, equestrian bw photography, equestrian black & white photography, equestrian black & white photo, fine art photography, equestrian fine art photography, fine art photo, fine art bw photography, fine art bw equestrian photography

Wow! It has been an amazing exhibition weekend!
Me and my mother are so happy that so many people came to take part of our art!

Ceramic sculptures by Mari Davin and Equestrian photography fine art by Philippa Davin

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