Scandinavian Beach Polo World Cup, is the first beach polo ever held in Scandinavia! I was so excited when I found this event. After spending three months in Wellington around the International Polo Club Palm Beach I have been longing to see and photograph some polo again. What could be better then having this event so close to home?
On a beach? It is definitely hard to beat!
The event will take place at the beach in Hornbæk, Denmark. From 23rd to 25th of july. There will be 6 international teams playing this weekend, polo players from all around the world will come to this Beach Polo World Cup.
I will display 8 pieces of my Fine Art exhibition "Running Wild, Running Free" in the VIP marquee during the whole event! For all of you that has been asking where you can see my art, this is a perfect opportunity to combine my art with some thrilling polo games.
I am very excited to be a part of this event!
If you want to be in the VIP marquee, you will be in the centre of the event. You can meet the players, enjoy the VIP lunch, Veuve Clicquot champagne reception with Rossini caviar canapés.
Check their website for more information about the weekend,
If you haven't got your tickets, today is the last day you can buy them!
You don't want to miss this weekend!
I hope to see you there!
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Photos from
and Philippa Davin Photography