Our fight against Cancer!

Our fight against Cancer!
2014-10-27 Philippa Davin

Me and my sister Natasha started Vår Kamp Mot Cancer which means “Our fight against cancer” to tell my sisters story while she battled with a cancer form called lymphoma. I, followed her around with my camera and captured our family’s everyday life and her struggle against cancer. Last may 2014 we arranged a photo exhibition that showed 25 black and white photos in chrono logical order with the purpose of telling our story and raise money for cancer research. We had 600 guests at the opening and we managed to raise 770 000 swedish kronor! It is amazing!! We still can’t believe we raised so much money!! 

The photos showed a heart to heart, naked description of how it can look when you are fighting this awful disease. It was all from hospital visits to try to get some energy from our animals, having your close ones around you and just try to think forward!

My sister is one of the most positive persons I know and she managed to fight her tumor, the day we got that news was one of the best days of our lives!

Today we are invited to go to the Swedish Cancergala in Stockholm, we are looking forward to this night, it is an honor to be invited! It is going to be many tears, both sad and happy but I think that it will be an amazing feeling to meet so many people that are fighting together to find a cure for this disease!

For mor information about our work, go visit www.varkampmotcancer.se

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