What a weekend!
It’s been a real adventure exhibiting at Tokyo International Art Fair.
I have to say I am really surprised how friendly and helpful everyone is here.
It can be a little hard sometimes to communicate because of our language difference but I would say it makes everything a little bit more interesting.
It all started in Ft Lauderdale where my art pieces was shipped out from to go to Tokyo. They traveled in a custom build wood box and arrived safetly at our hotel earlier this week after weeks of traveling.

I had organized to bring them from the hotel to she show where they were going to arrive at 2pm Friday afternoon.
This was the time we where aloud to start the set up for the show.
When the delivery guy was supposed to deliver the pieces we couldn’t find him anywhere. We tried to call the delivery company, no one spoke english, we tried to talk to the building staff, no one spoke english!
We ran back and forth around the building where the show was trying to find “our guy”, I had a big stroller where we were supposed to put the big heavy wood box on. We we had borrow this from the office but someone though I had took it without permission so they sent security after me. Two men from the security walked towards me and I tried to explain to them that I had just borrowed it but they didn’t understand me.
It wasn’t until the person in charge of the show came by and told them everything was ok that they let me leave with the stroller.
This took a while and stil no sight of our delivery guy, I started to get nervous that I wouldn’t get my pieces to the show in time but after one hour had past we finally found him! It felt really good to see my big heavy wood box stand next to my booth where the pieces inside would soon be unwrapped and spend the weekend hanging on the white walls that was set up for me.
I had brought 13 pieces with me to Tokyo, it was seven black and white photos and six in color. We decided to start mounting the largest pieces first which consisted of the art works Glory & Freeze, of course I had forgotten our leveler at the hotel so we had to try and making it horizontal by measuring it.
It did not come out very good, the pieces where cricked even if it seemed to be the same distance to the top wall on both sides.
I started to walk around all the booths that where coming to life, being decorated by artists from all over the world, to see if anyone could lend me their leveler.
I wasn’t very lucky!
I couldn’t find a single one to borrow, I felt myself becoming a little bit more stressed for every minute that passed since I knew that we didn’t have much time before the show would open for the VIP guests.
When I got back to our booth I realized that I could just download a leveler in my Iphone, why didn’t I thing about this earlier? The evening was saved!
As soon as the app was downloaded everything went very quickly and smooth. I had already planned how all the pieces would hang so we only had to measure out where to put the screws and two hours later all the pieces where up on the walls!
Keep posted for part two soon!